La Raíz Magazine
Call for Entries
We accept entries all year and review them as needed.
We set priority deadlines as we complete the yearly issue.
¡Aceptamos poesía y arte todo el año!
EXTENSIÓN de prioridad/Priority Deadline EXTENDED
Friday, February 28, 2025
We set priority deadlines as we complete the yearly issue.
¡Aceptamos poesía y arte todo el año!
EXTENSIÓN de prioridad/Priority Deadline EXTENDED
Friday, February 28, 2025
Send your poetry and artwork for publication in the next regular issue
Mande poesía y arte para publicación en la próxima edición
Entry Forms
English: / Español:
Mande poesía y arte para publicación en la próxima edición
Entry Forms
English: / Español:
See the call for manuscripts from La Raíz Press
Call for Entry Information
Community members, writers, and visual artists are invited to submit artwork and unpublished writing to La Raíz Magazine. No fee for one work per person. All ages accepted! New issues are released in May/June of every year.
La Raíz Magazine is a literary magazine that publishes visual art and poetry by community members, writers, and artists based in San José, California and Santa Clara County, while also welcoming work from our national and international community. La Raíz Magazine consciously creates space for the publication and presentation of creative work by people who identify as women, girls, and members of the global majority (people of color); with an emphasis on work by people whose heritage is rooted in lands that are now Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America, who may identify as: Indigenous, Chicana/o, or from their country of origin. Through our publication and events, we hope to promote inclusion, empathy, and connection.
One free entry per person (one piece poem OR two art pieces).
If you would like to submit more than one piece of work, please check the appropriate box in the form. 3 poems OR 5 art images (it's okay to combine 2 poems and 3 art images) and send your $20 donation via PayPal within 24 hours. Payment info: Paypal / Venmo @laraizmagazine / Credit/Debit via PayPal:
International writers and artists are welcome! Anyone under 18 years old will be asked to obtain the consent of their parent or legal guardian if accepted.
Entries are welcome in Spanish, English, Spanglish, and a combination of these languages. Up to 15% of the poem may be in additional languages. If you translated your own poem, send either version or both-- otherwise, no translations will be published.
--All information requested is required, unless marked "optional"
--Size and format: up to 2MB per file, in ONE of the following formats: .doc , .docx , .jpg
--File name must include your full name and the title of the work: (Yourname_Title.doc )
--VISUAL ART: For Cover Art consideration, please send a clear image of art cropped to edges
--Artwork files in 300 dpi preferred. Must be sized minimum 1200 ppi (shortest side), maximum 2100ppi (longest side)
--Images with background showing or not properly cropped will not be considered. File can be up to 3MB if it meets the requirements above.
-Upload .jpg files only
--POETRY: Under 50 lines (including line breaks) is preferred. Maximum: 100 lines (including line breaks.) Separate poems should be on separate pages of one file. Unpublished writing is preferred, but limited exceptions may be made. Please note on this form and/or via email that the work has been published with details: publication title, publisher, and year. Upload only .doc or .docx
--POETRY: Upload only .doc or .docx
Submissions that don't follow these guidelines or are incomplete may be disregarded without notice.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome! If your submission is accepted elsewhere, please notify us
PLEASE DO NOT CALL OR EMAIL TO ASK IF YOUR ENTRIES WERE RECEIVED. The google form gives confirmation and pCloud shows "100% upload". The Google form also shows confirmation. When in doubt, send again.
*Space is limited and publishing decisions are not a critique on your work.
Emailed acceptance notices and "notices of no publication" will be sent to emails provided via this form. Typos and spam filters may interfere with this, so please check your spam/junk mail folders and consider including an alternate communication method such as social media.
-Please do not contact for updates. If you don't hear back within 6 months, check your spam folder, or we may have missed sending notifications to your email and we apologize. You're welcome to send new work for the following publication.
We will send direct communications and add you to our email list, monthly or when events and Calls for Entries are announced. You can also sign up at: You can unsubscribe at any time.
Also connect on social media
IG: @laraizmagazine
FB: @laraizmag
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Community members, writers, and visual artists are invited to submit artwork and unpublished writing to La Raíz Magazine. No fee for one work per person. All ages accepted! New issues are released in May/June of every year.
La Raíz Magazine is a literary magazine that publishes visual art and poetry by community members, writers, and artists based in San José, California and Santa Clara County, while also welcoming work from our national and international community. La Raíz Magazine consciously creates space for the publication and presentation of creative work by people who identify as women, girls, and members of the global majority (people of color); with an emphasis on work by people whose heritage is rooted in lands that are now Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America, who may identify as: Indigenous, Chicana/o, or from their country of origin. Through our publication and events, we hope to promote inclusion, empathy, and connection.
One free entry per person (one piece poem OR two art pieces).
If you would like to submit more than one piece of work, please check the appropriate box in the form. 3 poems OR 5 art images (it's okay to combine 2 poems and 3 art images) and send your $20 donation via PayPal within 24 hours. Payment info: Paypal / Venmo @laraizmagazine / Credit/Debit via PayPal:
International writers and artists are welcome! Anyone under 18 years old will be asked to obtain the consent of their parent or legal guardian if accepted.
Entries are welcome in Spanish, English, Spanglish, and a combination of these languages. Up to 15% of the poem may be in additional languages. If you translated your own poem, send either version or both-- otherwise, no translations will be published.
--All information requested is required, unless marked "optional"
--Size and format: up to 2MB per file, in ONE of the following formats: .doc , .docx , .jpg
--File name must include your full name and the title of the work: (Yourname_Title.doc )
--VISUAL ART: For Cover Art consideration, please send a clear image of art cropped to edges
--Artwork files in 300 dpi preferred. Must be sized minimum 1200 ppi (shortest side), maximum 2100ppi (longest side)
--Images with background showing or not properly cropped will not be considered. File can be up to 3MB if it meets the requirements above.
-Upload .jpg files only
--POETRY: Under 50 lines (including line breaks) is preferred. Maximum: 100 lines (including line breaks.) Separate poems should be on separate pages of one file. Unpublished writing is preferred, but limited exceptions may be made. Please note on this form and/or via email that the work has been published with details: publication title, publisher, and year. Upload only .doc or .docx
--POETRY: Upload only .doc or .docx
Submissions that don't follow these guidelines or are incomplete may be disregarded without notice.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome! If your submission is accepted elsewhere, please notify us
PLEASE DO NOT CALL OR EMAIL TO ASK IF YOUR ENTRIES WERE RECEIVED. The google form gives confirmation and pCloud shows "100% upload". The Google form also shows confirmation. When in doubt, send again.
*Space is limited and publishing decisions are not a critique on your work.
Emailed acceptance notices and "notices of no publication" will be sent to emails provided via this form. Typos and spam filters may interfere with this, so please check your spam/junk mail folders and consider including an alternate communication method such as social media.
-Please do not contact for updates. If you don't hear back within 6 months, check your spam folder, or we may have missed sending notifications to your email and we apologize. You're welcome to send new work for the following publication.
We will send direct communications and add you to our email list, monthly or when events and Calls for Entries are announced. You can also sign up at: You can unsubscribe at any time.
Also connect on social media
IG: @laraizmagazine
FB: @laraizmag
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Información de convocatoria en español:
For all updates, join the email list:
For timely updates, follow us on Instagram: @laraizmagazine Facebook: @laraizmag
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