Welcome to Roots Artist Registry!
Browse Artists by Heritage
Artists are listed below by Heritage or Demographic group. Roots Artist Registry strongly supports artists known to be underrepresented in mainstream arts venues in the United States, often referred to as “minority artists” or “artists of color.” Artists listed in this section of the registry chose to self-identify for the purpose of making themselves available to those who wish to find artists listed by heritage. There is an additional section for artists who identify as "Woman/Female" artists.
American Indian, Indian, First Nations, Native American, Indigenous Ancestry on American Continent or Carribean
ShaLeigh Comerford- Choreographer: Creating socially-engaged dance for theatre, stage, and public spaces. www.shaleighdanceworks.com [Performing Arts: Dance/ Durham, NC/ Irish and Cherokee, Woman] Black, African-American, Afro-Latino, Afro-Caribbean Black Art In America- blackartinamerica.com/ Kirstan Fitzpatrick- Visual Artist/Portrait Artist: acrylic paintings inspired by African American historical subjects, Impressionistic, Realistic style. www.kirstanfitzpatrick.com [Visual Art: Acrylic Paintings/ Lawrence, NJ/ African American/ Woman] Lisbeth Coiman– Author&Poet: Bilingual work explores intersection of class, race, immigration, mental health. Venezuelan. www.lisbethcoiman.com [Literary Art: Author&Poet/ Lakewood, CA/ Afro Latina]d, CA/ Afro Latina] Joyce McEwen Crawford- Drawing/Painting: figurative, expressionistic, portraits, oil, acrylic, mixed media, art instructor, women's groups, workshops, www.joycemcewencrawfordartist.com [Visual Art, Drawing,painting/San Jose, Ca/African American] Raúl Villarreal- Painting: artwork inspired by issues of identity and multiculturalism, www.raulvillarreal.com [Visual Art: Painter/Gainesville, FL/ Afro-Cuban, Cuban-American] Raza, Indigenous, Latina/from any country in South America, Central America, from Mexico, Caribbean Cha Gutiérrez- Visual Artist: Figurative paintings & Illustrations: stories & experiences of women of color with dream-like nature imagery. www.chagutierrez.com [Visual Art: Paint, Illustration/Phoenix, AZ/Xicana, Boricua, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Woman] Monica S. Camin- Painter/Sculptor/Mixed Media: Immigrant heritage, national hybridity, multicultural, www.monicascamin.com [Visual Art: Painter&Sculptor/New Jersey&Houston, Texas/ Latina, Argentina, woman] Adela Josefina Najarro- Writer (Poetry&Prose): Subjects include: Nicaraguan heritage, Spanglish, social justice, bicultural & bilingual experience. www.adelanajarro.com [Literary Art: Poetry&Prose, Capitola, CA/ Latinx, Woman] Raúl Villarreal- Painting: artwork inspired by issues of identity and multiculturalism, www.raulvillarreal.com [Visual Art: Painter/Gainesville, FL/ Afro-Cuban, Cuban-American] Eugene Rodriguez*- Painter/Filmmaker: U.S. History-Oil Painting-Portraiture-Film Shorts, www.eugenerodriguez.com [Visual Art: Painter/Filmmaker/San Francisco/Latino/Chicano] Nelson Alvarez-Painter: Industrial landscape painting, Optical sculpture, Installation, Public Art and Participatory Art www.nelsonarte.com [Visual Art: Painting / New York City, NY/Latino, Cuban] Lucy Ghelfi*- Oil and Acrylic Painter: Mixed Media Abstracts, Ceramic Sculptor: Busts, anamorphic abstracted sculptures www.lucyghelfi.com [Visual Art: Sculptor, Painter, San Jose, CA, Latina/Mexican American] Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo*-Acrylic/Oil Paint/Sculpting: Identity, transformation, empowerment. Mesoamerican/Anahuak imagery, Mixtec&Aztec codices, codex glyphs. Mexika dance. www.ejmontelongo.com [Visual Art: Paint,Sculpt/Santa Clara, CA/Xicana, Mexican, Woman] Chicana/Chicana, Xicana/Xicano, Mexican-American Lucy Ghelfi*- Oil and Acrylic Painter: Mixed Media Abstracts, Ceramic Sculptor: Busts, anamorphic abstracted sculptures www.lucyghelfi.com [Visual Art: Sculptor, Painter, San Jose, CA, Latina/Mexican American] Ernest Hogan- Writer/artist/cartoonist: Novels, stories, essays, art/illustrations, www.mondoernesto.com [Literary and Visual art, Chicano] Adrian Delgado- Oil painter: mosaic, print maker, mixed media, experimental: Impressionist, textured, art about struggle and balance, www.adelgadoart.com [Visual Artist: Painter/ Bay Area, Latino, Chicano] Eugene Rodriguez*- Painter/Filmmaker: U.S. History-Oil Painting-Portraiture-Film Shorts, www.eugenerodriguez.com [Visual Art: Painter/Filmmaker/San Francisco/Latino/Chicano] Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo*-Acrylic/Oil Paint/Sculpting: Identity, transformation, empowerment. Mesoamerican/Anahuak imagery, Mixtec&Aztec codices, codex glyphs. Mexika dance. www.ejmontelongo.com [Visual Art: Paint,Sculpt/Santa Clara, CA/Xicana, Mexican, Woman] Lisbeth Coiman– Author&Poet: Bilingual work explores intersection of class, race, immigration, mental health. Venezuelan. www.lisbethcoiman.com [Literary Art: Author&Poet/ Lakewood, CA/ Afro Latina]d, CA/ Afro Latina] |
South Asian, Middle Eastern country of origin
Majella Pinto- Oil, Impressionism. http://www.artbymajella.com [Visual Art: Painting/ Campbell, California/ American of Asian Indian Origin, Female] Hadi Aghaee*- Acrylic on Canvas: Mainly Realism, Pointillism. Various subjects, www.hadiaghaeefineart.com [Visual Art: Acrylic, Digital painting/ San Jose, CA/ Persian] Sarabjit Singh- Visual Artist/Muralist: Painter. Sikh female Artist painting to increase understanding of Sikh Diaspora. www.artofsarabjitsingh.com [Visual Art: Painting/Santa Clara, CA/ Sikh, Woman] Asian, South East Asian country of origin European Heritage/Other Heritage Harriet Garfinkle- Acrylic and oil painting, watercolor, pen & ink, pastel, mixed media. www.harriet-garfinkle.com [Visual Art: painter/ Woodside, California/Ashkenazi Jew] Eric Saint Georges- Sculptures and drawings, mostly figurative. Clay, bronze, wood, stone, and charcoal, ink, watercolor. www.ericsaintgeorges.com [Visual Art: Sculpture, Drawing/ Los Gatos, CA/ French] Carla Rokes- Drawing, Painting, Digital, Film: Mixed media, tradigital, experimental, comic abstraction. www.carlarokes.com [Visual Art/ Wilmington, NC/ American] Craig Scoffone- Fine Art Photographer: Landscapes, urban abstracts, figurative studies. www.craigscoffone.com [Photography/San José, CA/Italian American] Robert W. Milnes- Ceramic Sculptor. Arbitrary Forms Studio. Ceramics: geometric polychrome forms and vessels. www.robertmilnes.com. [Visual Art: Ceramics Sculpture - Asheville, NC, USA / caucasian male] ShaLeigh Comerford- Choreographer: Creating socially-engaged dance for theatre, stage, and public spaces. www.shaleighdanceworks.com [Performing Arts: Dance/ Durham, NC/ Irish and Cherokee, Woman] Alysia Fischer - 3D Artist: re-purposed materials, Textile Artist. www.alysiafischer.com [Visual Art: Sculpture and Textiles/ Weaverville, NC / Caucasian, Woman] Moira Donohoe*- Oil painter/pastel artist: Landscape of the West, especially Sierra Nevada. Born/raised: Yosemite (historical pioneer family). www.moiradonohoe.com [Visual Art: Painting /Mariposa, CA/Irish American] Regina Calton Burchett- Drawing/Painting: Pastel, Oil, Charcoal, Landscapes, skies and clouds, impressionist and realism, music. www.reginaburchett.com [Visual Art: Painting, Drawing / Concord NC / American] Damien Olsen Berdichevsky- Sculpture/Objects/Assemblage: Surrealism/Abstract Expressionism. www.damienolsenarts.com/objects/sculptures/assemblages/ [Visual Art: Sculpture/Brooklyn, New York/Caucasian] Susan Barbe Fecho- Printmaker, Surface Designer: Appalachian & tidewater landscapes/architecture; vernacular imagery; indigenous flora/fauna. The past as a personal/cultural/historic artifact. www.fechodesigns.com [Printmaking/ NC&VA/Appalachian heritage, German/ Scotch Irish/Female/ Caucasian] Jodi DiLiberto- Painter: acrylic, nature, portraits, whatever inspires me. www.fromthepurplehouse.com [Visual Art: Painting/West Belmar, NJ/Italian American/woman] Joseph Cavalieri- Painted and silk-screened glass artist and educator: Pop art mixed with stained glass [Visual Art: stained glass/ New York, New York/ Italian] www.cavaglass.com |
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Cha Gutiérrez- Visual Artist: Figurative paintings & Illustrations: stories & experiences of women of color with dream-like nature imagery. www.chagutierrez.com [Visual Art: Paint, Illustration/Phoenix, AZ/Xicana, Boricua, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Woman]
Mel Bennett- Visual Artist (Sculpture): Found-object sculpture made of wood and steel, focusing on nature and wildlife. www.mel-bennett.com [Visual Art: Sculpture / Canton, NC / Woman]
Adela Josefina Najarro- Writer (Poetry&Prose): Subjects include: Nicaraguan heritage, Spanglish, social justice, bicultural & bilingual experience. www.adelanajarro.com [Literary Art: Poetry&Prose, Capitola, CA/ Latinx, Woman]
Sarabjit Singh- Visual Artist/Muralist: Painter. Sikh female Artist painting to increase understanding of Sikh Diaspora. www.artofsarabjitsingh.com [Visual Art: Painting/Santa Clara, CA/ Sikh, Woman]
Kirstan Fitzpatrick- Visual Artist/Portrait Artist: acrylic paintings inspired by African American historical subjects, Impressionistic, Realistic style. www.kirstanfitzpatrick.com [Visual Art: Acrylic Paintings/ Lawrence, NJ/ African American/ Woman]
Alysia Fischer - 3D Artist: re-purposed materials, Textile Artist. www.alysiafischer.com [Visual Art: Sculpture and Textiles/ Weaverville, NC / Caucasian, Woman]
Susan Barbe Fecho- Printmaker, Surface Designer: Appalachian & tidewater landscapes/architecture; vernacular imagery; indigenous flora/fauna. The past as a personal/cultural/historic artifact.
www.fechodesigns.com [Printmaking/ NC&VA/Appalachian heritage, German/ Scotch Irish/Female/ Caucasian]
Rebecca Lippert Huber - Photography & Painting: Acrylic painting focusing on landscape, color & small creatures. www.alightfilledroom.com [Visual art/ Durham, NC/ woman]
Lisbeth Coiman– Author&Poet: Bilingual work explores intersection of class, race, immigration, mental health. Venezuelan. www.lisbethcoiman.com [Literary Art: Author&Poet/ Lakewood, CA/ Afro Latina]d, CA/ Afro Latina]
Jodi DiLiberto- Painter: acrylic, nature, portraits,whatever inspires me//Musician: composer (Celtic Tradition), multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, & early British Isles, Italy. www.jodidiliberto.com [Visual Art&Music/West Belmar NJ/Italian American/woman]
Majella Pinto- Oil, Impressionism. http://www.artbymajella.com [Visual Art: Painting / Campbell, California / American of Asian Indian Origin, Female]
Laura Bell–Paintings, mixed media: the intersection of the natural & human-made arenas, the battle between leaf & junk. www.lauraelizbell.net Collaboration with poet www.thecorpses.com [Visual Art: Paintings, mixed-media/Bronx, NY, female]
Emily Blackmore- Mixed Media and Sculpture: works use vibrant colors, mixed paint and drawing media, and celebrate diversity. www.sirimiriartistry.com [Visual Art: Mixed Media and Sculpture/ London, UK/ American, Woman]
Laura Allen- Painting/Assemblage/Writing: painter, sculptor and poet inspired often by feminist themes. www.laurawaltonallen.com [Visual Art, Poetry/ Seattle, WA/ woman]
Monica S. Camin- Painter/Sculptor/Mixed Media: Immigrant heritage, national hybridity, multicultural, www.monicascamin.com [Visual Art: Painter&Sculptor/New Jersey&Houston, Texas/ Latina,Argentina, woman]
Shannon Amidon - Mixed Media Encaustic artist inspired by natural history. www.shannonamidon.com [Visual Art: Mixed Media/ San Jose, CA/ Woman]
Jodi DiLiberto- Painter: acrylic, nature, portraits, whatever inspires me. www.fromthepurplehouse.com [Visual Art: Painting/West Belmar, NJ/Italian American/woman]
ShaLeigh Comerford- Choreographer: Creating socially-engaged dance for theatre, stage, and public spaces. www.shaleighdanceworks.com [Performing Arts: Dance/ Durham, NC/ Irish and Cherokee, Woman]
Paula Marie Deubel - Artist: Magic Realism, Traditional, and Conceptual Symbolism. http://www.paulamariedeubel.com [Visual Art: oil and acrylic paint / Detroit, Michigan / Woman]
Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo*-Acrylic/Oil Paint/Sculpting: Identity, transformation, empowerment. Mesoamerican/Anahuak imagery, Mixtec&Aztec codices, codex glyphs. Mexika dance. www.ejmontelongo.com [Visual Art: Paint,Sculpt/Santa Clara, CA/Xicana, Mexican, Woman]
Cha Gutiérrez- Visual Artist: Figurative paintings & Illustrations: stories & experiences of women of color with dream-like nature imagery. www.chagutierrez.com [Visual Art: Paint, Illustration/Phoenix, AZ/Xicana, Boricua, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Woman]
Mel Bennett- Visual Artist (Sculpture): Found-object sculpture made of wood and steel, focusing on nature and wildlife. www.mel-bennett.com [Visual Art: Sculpture / Canton, NC / Woman]
Adela Josefina Najarro- Writer (Poetry&Prose): Subjects include: Nicaraguan heritage, Spanglish, social justice, bicultural & bilingual experience. www.adelanajarro.com [Literary Art: Poetry&Prose, Capitola, CA/ Latinx, Woman]
Sarabjit Singh- Visual Artist/Muralist: Painter. Sikh female Artist painting to increase understanding of Sikh Diaspora. www.artofsarabjitsingh.com [Visual Art: Painting/Santa Clara, CA/ Sikh, Woman]
Kirstan Fitzpatrick- Visual Artist/Portrait Artist: acrylic paintings inspired by African American historical subjects, Impressionistic, Realistic style. www.kirstanfitzpatrick.com [Visual Art: Acrylic Paintings/ Lawrence, NJ/ African American/ Woman]
Alysia Fischer - 3D Artist: re-purposed materials, Textile Artist. www.alysiafischer.com [Visual Art: Sculpture and Textiles/ Weaverville, NC / Caucasian, Woman]
Susan Barbe Fecho- Printmaker, Surface Designer: Appalachian & tidewater landscapes/architecture; vernacular imagery; indigenous flora/fauna. The past as a personal/cultural/historic artifact.
www.fechodesigns.com [Printmaking/ NC&VA/Appalachian heritage, German/ Scotch Irish/Female/ Caucasian]
Rebecca Lippert Huber - Photography & Painting: Acrylic painting focusing on landscape, color & small creatures. www.alightfilledroom.com [Visual art/ Durham, NC/ woman]
Lisbeth Coiman– Author&Poet: Bilingual work explores intersection of class, race, immigration, mental health. Venezuelan. www.lisbethcoiman.com [Literary Art: Author&Poet/ Lakewood, CA/ Afro Latina]d, CA/ Afro Latina]
Jodi DiLiberto- Painter: acrylic, nature, portraits,whatever inspires me//Musician: composer (Celtic Tradition), multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, & early British Isles, Italy. www.jodidiliberto.com [Visual Art&Music/West Belmar NJ/Italian American/woman]
Majella Pinto- Oil, Impressionism. http://www.artbymajella.com [Visual Art: Painting / Campbell, California / American of Asian Indian Origin, Female]
Laura Bell–Paintings, mixed media: the intersection of the natural & human-made arenas, the battle between leaf & junk. www.lauraelizbell.net Collaboration with poet www.thecorpses.com [Visual Art: Paintings, mixed-media/Bronx, NY, female]
Emily Blackmore- Mixed Media and Sculpture: works use vibrant colors, mixed paint and drawing media, and celebrate diversity. www.sirimiriartistry.com [Visual Art: Mixed Media and Sculpture/ London, UK/ American, Woman]
Laura Allen- Painting/Assemblage/Writing: painter, sculptor and poet inspired often by feminist themes. www.laurawaltonallen.com [Visual Art, Poetry/ Seattle, WA/ woman]
Monica S. Camin- Painter/Sculptor/Mixed Media: Immigrant heritage, national hybridity, multicultural, www.monicascamin.com [Visual Art: Painter&Sculptor/New Jersey&Houston, Texas/ Latina,Argentina, woman]
Shannon Amidon - Mixed Media Encaustic artist inspired by natural history. www.shannonamidon.com [Visual Art: Mixed Media/ San Jose, CA/ Woman]
Jodi DiLiberto- Painter: acrylic, nature, portraits, whatever inspires me. www.fromthepurplehouse.com [Visual Art: Painting/West Belmar, NJ/Italian American/woman]
ShaLeigh Comerford- Choreographer: Creating socially-engaged dance for theatre, stage, and public spaces. www.shaleighdanceworks.com [Performing Arts: Dance/ Durham, NC/ Irish and Cherokee, Woman]
Paula Marie Deubel - Artist: Magic Realism, Traditional, and Conceptual Symbolism. http://www.paulamariedeubel.com [Visual Art: oil and acrylic paint / Detroit, Michigan / Woman]
Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo*-Acrylic/Oil Paint/Sculpting: Identity, transformation, empowerment. Mesoamerican/Anahuak imagery, Mixtec&Aztec codices, codex glyphs. Mexika dance. www.ejmontelongo.com [Visual Art: Paint,Sculpt/Santa Clara, CA/Xicana, Mexican, Woman]
Heritage Not Stated
Cedric van Eenoo- Music; Painting; Film. www.vaneenoo.com [Visual Art: Painting/New York City, NY]
Everything Fitz- The Fitzgerald Family Band- Canadian Fiddle Champions/Ottawa-Valley Step Dancing: Celtic, Old-Time, Bluegrass, Jazz, Folk. A high-energy program for all audiences! www.everythingfitz.ca [Performing Art: Music/Dance, Canada]
Shannon Amidon - Mixed Media Encaustic artist inspired by natural history. www.shannonamidon.com [Visual Art: Mixed Media/ San Jose, CA/ Woman]
Gabriel Navar- Painting and Drawing: pop-surrealism with references to technology, www.gabrielnavar.com [Visual Art: Painting/Drawing; Oakland, CA]
Barbara Lawrence- Oil on Canvas Paintings: Landscape and Figurative Art. www.barbaralawrenceart.com [Visual Arts: Painting/Santa Cruz, California]
Sarah Stone- Oil paintings, assemblage: Fantasy Folk Art: original art inspired by nature, mythology, world folklore and dreams. www.sarahstoneart.com [Visual Art: oil painting, assemblages/Los Angeles, CA/Woman over 50]
Ewa Gavrielov- Works on Paper: mixed media: abstract, www.ewagav.com [Visual Art: Printmaking,Drawing,Works on paper/Palo Alto, CA]
Laura Allen- Painting/Assemblage/Writing: painter, sculptor and poet inspired often by feminist themes. www.laurawaltonallen.com [Visual Art, Poetry/ Seattle, WA/ woman]
Jessica Maffia- Drawing: inspired by the overlooked, residue, decay, microscopic imagery, the cosmos, meditation, etc. www.jessicamaffia.com/ [Visual Art: Drawing/ New York, NY]
Cedric van Eenoo- Music; Painting; Film. www.vaneenoo.com [Visual Art: Painting/New York City, NY]
Everything Fitz- The Fitzgerald Family Band- Canadian Fiddle Champions/Ottawa-Valley Step Dancing: Celtic, Old-Time, Bluegrass, Jazz, Folk. A high-energy program for all audiences! www.everythingfitz.ca [Performing Art: Music/Dance, Canada]
Shannon Amidon - Mixed Media Encaustic artist inspired by natural history. www.shannonamidon.com [Visual Art: Mixed Media/ San Jose, CA/ Woman]
Gabriel Navar- Painting and Drawing: pop-surrealism with references to technology, www.gabrielnavar.com [Visual Art: Painting/Drawing; Oakland, CA]
Barbara Lawrence- Oil on Canvas Paintings: Landscape and Figurative Art. www.barbaralawrenceart.com [Visual Arts: Painting/Santa Cruz, California]
Sarah Stone- Oil paintings, assemblage: Fantasy Folk Art: original art inspired by nature, mythology, world folklore and dreams. www.sarahstoneart.com [Visual Art: oil painting, assemblages/Los Angeles, CA/Woman over 50]
Ewa Gavrielov- Works on Paper: mixed media: abstract, www.ewagav.com [Visual Art: Printmaking,Drawing,Works on paper/Palo Alto, CA]
Laura Allen- Painting/Assemblage/Writing: painter, sculptor and poet inspired often by feminist themes. www.laurawaltonallen.com [Visual Art, Poetry/ Seattle, WA/ woman]
Jessica Maffia- Drawing: inspired by the overlooked, residue, decay, microscopic imagery, the cosmos, meditation, etc. www.jessicamaffia.com/ [Visual Art: Drawing/ New York, NY]
*Artist participates in The Artist Patron Project
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